BonVision node library
There are 5 types of BonVision nodes:
I. Primitives These are the nodes that define fundamental visual stimulus characteristics.
II. Environment These define the aspects of the visual display devices.
III. Collections These are nodes that define visual stimuli that comprise a collection of Primitives.
IV. Logging These are nodes to help keep log of stimulus parameters for analysis
V. Generic These are generic helper nodes
I. Primitives
DrawCheckerboard: Draws a parameterized checkerboard stimulus.
DrawCircle: Draws a single colored circle.
DrawGratings: Draws parameterized 2D sinewave gratings.
DrawImage: Draws an affine transformed 2D image.
DrawModel: Draws a transformed 3D model stimulus.
DrawQuad: Draws a single axis-aligned colored quad.
DrawText: Draws affine transformed multi-line text using the specified style.
DrawTexturedModel: Draws a textured and transformed 3D model stimulus.
ParameterRange: Generates a linear range of values between min and max.
PrimitiveResource: Loads mesh and shader resources for rendering primitive stimuli.
RangeAnimation: Animates a linear range of values between min and max at the specified cycles per second.
II. Environment
DrawViewport: Renders all currently stored draw commands to the specified viewport.
GammaCorrection: Renders the current scene to a texture and applies gamma correction as a post-processing effect.
MeshMapping: Renders the current scene to a texture and applies mesh mapping and brightness correction as a post-processing effect.
NormalizedViewport: Specifies an orthographic viewport with normalized screen coordinates for rapid prototyping of 2D environments.
OrthographicViewport: Specifies an orthographic viewport, commonly used for 2D stimulus environments.
PerspectiveViewport: Specifies a perspective camera viewport with the given field of view.
SphereMapping: Renders the current viewport to a cubemap texture which can be used for environmental mapping of physical screens around the origin.
ViewingWindow: Renders the sphere map from the perspective of a viewing window of the specified size, position and orientation relative to the origin.
III. Collections
EnsureGratingParameters: Specifies default values for optional parameters in the gratings specification.
GratingSpecification: Creates a sequence of grating parameters used for stimulus presentation.
SparseNoise: Generates and draws a non-overlapping discrete sparse grid of randomly activated quads.
IV. Logging
EventLogger: Creates and initializes a CSV file, and matching behavior subject, on which to log events.
LogEvent: Logs a value into the specified common event stream.
TimeStampedEventLogger: Creates and initializes a CSV file, and matching behavior subject, on which to timestamp and log events.
V. Generic
[Angle:] Represents a workflow property specifying a single-precision angle, in degrees. cycles per second.
[SampleMany:] Draws multiple random samples from the input distribution.