
Draws affine transformed multi-line text using the specified style


A node used to place text on the screen. For example, if using BonVision for human psychophysics, you can use it for instructions.


Best used with SphereMapping transformed coordinate frame


  • Needs DrawStimulus (the tag for rendering a frame) as an input to be able to run
  • LocationX: x coordinate (this is in the units of the viewport?) (Default: 0)
  • LocationY: y coordinate (this is in the units of the viewport?) (Default: 0)
  • ExtentX:
  • ExtentY:
  • Angle:
  • Text:
  • (Text Style) Alignment
  • (Text Style) Color
  • (Text Style) Font
  • (Text Style) LineAlignment
  • (Text Style) TextRenderingHint


  • This can be an end node
  • All the properties that are externalised can be sent forward as outputs.